Sunday 24 November 2019

Dear Grade 4

Dear Grade 4,Welcome to Elkanah Senior Primary I hope your 3 next upcoming years are the best.I wish you all the best always remember to work hard,be kind,show respect,listen and also have fun.
Do alot of sport because it keeps you fit and its alot of fun.My favourite thing about this school is the Ipad's because it's so cool to work on them plus you can have 5 games maxium. At Elkanah they do camps you have a Grade 4 camp and a Grade 5 camp then you a Grade 6 camp it's super fun my personally favourite was Grade 5 camp because it had the best vibe.Plus we do shows this year we did Bugsy Malone it was such a good show and you can be part of it it's really cool.

From: Chloe

Monday 2 September 2019

Digital Footprint

Recently we have been learning about our digital footprint it’s good to have a good clean digital footprint because a lot of people see it and when you go for a job your boss is going to look at your digital footprint.And it should always be appropriate 
So you don’t get a bad name.And they also check if you are kind  person and you don’t be rude online and don’t swear.A digital footprint is something that means you are on the interent.

Monday 10 June 2019

Email 2

Email Etiquette

Today we leaned how to a email etiquette.We learnt how to have manners when emailing someone and we learnt how to set out a email and give your email a title and be specific with your subject and keep it to the point and be professional and last thing sign and proofead. My favourite part was when we had to remember the 5 points.

Monday 13 May 2019

Superhero blog past

A month ago we had a ILT the theme was Superhero's. It was fun my partner was one of my best friends Tatum. Our superhero name was Frostbite.The reason why Frostbite was designed as this is because she can't get hurt if she wears this outfit and if you touch her you will freeze up.Her powers  are flying,frost,and indestructible.

I like her outfit because she can't get hurt when she has it on.What can improve on is that you can't see the metal part.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

What is poetry?
Poetry is something you can feel and inbrasse your emotion to something.It can be thing you’re talking about and it cernevits to you.And you get all type of poetrys.

Why do people write poetry?

The reason why people write poetry is because it is cool

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Wonder Precepts

Wonder Precepts

what does precepts mean to me?

I think precepts are sayings that mean something deep and meaning full like a quote.


A general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought or a writ or warrant.


My feelings about precepts is whether you believe you can or believe you cant you are for sure right.I feel also like some thing you can better yourself at. 

Dear Grade 4

Dear Grade 4,Welcome to Elkanah Senior Primary I hope your 3 next upcoming years are the best.I wish you all the best always remember to wor...